Knee and Shoulder Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is a procedure that orthopaedic surgeons use to inspect, diagnose, and repair problems inside a joint.

Shoulder Arthroscopy

During shoulder arthroscopy, your surgeon inserts a small camera, called an arthroscope, into your shoulder joint. The camera displays pictures on a television screen, and your surgeon uses these images to guide miniature surgical instruments.

Knee Arthroscopy

Knee arthroscopy is a procedure that involves a surgeon investigating and correcting problems with a small tool called an arthroscope. It is a less invasive method of surgery used to both diagnose and treat issues in the joints.

कुमको जोर्नी फुत्कने समस्या र दूरबिन प्रविधिबाट उपचार

कुमको जोर्नी (shoulder) बिभिन्न कारणहरुले फुत्किन सक्छ …

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नेपालगञ्जमा डा. तिर्थेन्द्रको नेतृत्वमा पहिलो …

डा. तिर्थेन्द्र खड्काले ल्याए आफ्नै वेवसाइट

नेपालगञ्ज  – नेपालगञ्जमा एक दशक भन्दा बढि समयदेखि …